Oceanside Pier from South the Strand |
"The Oceanside Harbor Maintenance Dredging 2011 Project has been
tentatively scheduled for early March.
There are scheduling conflict with a Port of Long Beach project and
an environmental issue regarding sediment testing so the March date is
Why is this important to guests and residents of Oceanside?
- dredging the mouth of Oceanside Harbor is important each year to keep boats from running up on the sand that deposits there and causing material and human damage;
- dredging of Oceanside Harbor mouth means the use of heavy equipment (noise) and running of an ugly pipe across (unattractive obstacle) the beach from the San Luis Rey River mouth to where ever the sand is being redeposited;
- dredging is an important source of sand for Oceanside beaches after winter losses and is slated to go to the southern beaches this year.
Well information is power so check in for updates as March and spring looms closer. The City of Oceanside has done an excellent job over the last few years notifying people of their time table and of trying to make the pipe as inconvenient and inconspicuous as possible. They've also been sure to try to avoid spring break season and Beach Soccer weekend.